PoW stories
Index of Prisoners of War (PoW) who were captured primarily in North Africa and transported to camps in Italy. Some of these stories were written while in captivity, some after escape and some years later. They were donated by the authors and their families to Keith Killby’s Monte San Martino Trust.
PoW surnames: A – K
- Allaway, Alfred
- Andrew, Raymond
- Argent, Douglas
- Armstrong, Henry Denis
- Ashford, Frank
- Bains, Lawrence
- Barshall, Peter
- Bass, Bill
- Bethell, Drew and Flowerdew, Douglas
- Blake, Bobby
- Blake, Bobby (IT)
- Blewitt, Bill
- Bligh, Kenneth
- Boanas, George
- Bourn, Jim
- Bourn, Jim (IT)
- Bowder, Bill
- Boyd, O T
- Braithwaite, George
- Brown, Lionel
- Browne, N
- Bull, Eric
- Bullard, Paul
- Burdett, Noel
- Burnett, George with Edge, Beverley
- Burnford, Alfred (John)
- Campbell, Peter
- Candy, George with Train, Landale
- Caplat, Moran – Dinghies to Divas
- Carver, Richard
- Churchill, Gerald
- Clapson, A. E. G
- Clarke, Douglas
- Clarke, W.J.F
- Cochrane, Tom O’G
- Coe, Frank
- Collier, Bernard
- Comyn, JA
- Cooper, Bill
- Coster, David
- Cowton, FWJ
- Coxell, Peter
- Craig, TS
- Cummins, Ronald Loftus – Part 2, 1943 (Part 1 can be found here)
- Cummins, Ronald Loftus (Part 3: 1944-1947
- Darville, W.J
- Dean, Ronald
- De Cent, Douglas Gillian
- de Burgh, Hugo
- De Luca, Maria
- de Wet, Jack
- Dickinson, Reg
- di Felice, Goeto
- Dobson, Tony
- Drew, HH
- Duke, Douglas (Wally)
- Ekbery, Brian
- Ellis, Ben and Sole, Geoff
- English, Ian – The Greatest Escape
- Evans, John
- Evans, Hilary Major
- Fairnington, Tom
- Faulkes, John (Ted)
- Flowerdew, Douglas with Bethell, Drew
- Foster, Binks
- Forster, Father George
- French, Fred
- Garton, Bill
- Gatenby, Captain Charles
- Gates, Norman
- Gilbert, Edwin Middleton
- Glaser, Frits
- Gleave, Bill
- Goddard, Maurice
- Goddard, Vilma
- Goddard, Vilma (IT)
- Goldingham, Mike
- Gregson, Anthony
- Hackett, Alfred
- Hammond, Arthur
- Harmer, Geoff
- Harris, Fred
- Harris, George
- Harris Matthews, Thomas
- Hawkins, GWB
- Hewison, Rowland
- Hilder, Eric
- Hill, Armie
- Hill, Richard H. Rev Capt
- Hirst, Fred
- Hobbs, Daniel (Jack)
- Hodgson, Richard
- Hooper, R. S (Bob)
- Hopkins, Eric
- Hurst Brown, Alan
- Hutty, Les
- Jobson, Arthur
- Jobson, Hugh
- Jobson, Hugh Appendices
- Johnston, Roy
- Jones, A. A
- Jones, Albert Thomas
- Jones, Des
- Joel, John
- Jordan, Peter
- Kalha, Daljit Singh
- Killby, Keith
- Kingham, Norman
- Knibb, Eric
- Kyrle Pope, Michael
PoW surnames: L – Y
- Laing, Anthony
- Langrishe, Phillip John Duppa
- Lanyon, Pat
- Lawrence, Roger
- Lax, Frederick
- Lax, Frederick (IT)
- Lett, Gordon
- Lewis, Peter
- Lewis, William
- Lodge, Ernest
- Low, Richard
- Mainwaring, Hugh
- McCurdy, Ronald
- McHattie, George
- Millar, JHD
- Milner, Fred
- Muir, John
- Nathanson, Leslie – Escape To Internment Part 1
- Nathanson, Leslie – Escape To Internment Part 2
- Needle, Jack
- Newman, Dennis
- Octon, Jimmy William
- Osborne, Frank
- Paice, Alan
- Panozzo, Floriana Betello
- Panozzo, Floriana Betello (IT)
- Panozzo, Virgilio
- Panozzo, Virgilio (IT)
- Parker, Bill
- Pennycook, John
- Perry, Sam
- Poole, Algie
- Prince, JH
- Pryke, William Dudley (Ted)
- Pryke, William Dudley (Ted) Appendices
- Raby, Ronald William
- Randall, Donald
- Randles, Paul
- Ranfurly, Dan
- Robillard, David
- Robinson, Donald
- Rocco, Felice alias – Vacca, Phil
- Rock, Harry
- Rogers, Bob
- Rogers, Norman
- Ross, Michael
- Ross, Michael
- Rowe, Jack
- Serrano, Sgt Manuel
- Ross, Michael
- Sharpe, Keith
- Sherk, Raymond
- Simkins, Anthony
- Simkins, Anthony (IT)
- Simpson, Charles – Chapters 1-7
- Simpson, Charles – Chapters 8-21
- Simpson, Charles – 1944-1946
- Simpson, Charles – Maps
- Simpson, D.B
- Sollars, Jack
- Sole, Geoff and Ellis, Ben
- Spooner, Pat
- Stavert, Geoffrey Part 1 (chapters 1-7)
- Stavert, Geoffrey Part 2 (chapters 8-15)
- Stern, Peter
- Steven, Anthony (Tony)
- Stewart, Andrew
- Strachan, William Hunter (Bill)
- Swan, William (Bill)
- Telford, Frederick
- Terribili, Alessandro
- Thompson, Walter
- Thraves, Jack
- Thurgood, Robert
- Thursfield, P.S
- Todhunter, E.J
- Train, Landale with Candy, George
- Turner, Basil
- Turner, Humphrey
- Vacca, Phil alias – Rocco, Felice
- Vaughan, Rudolph
- Verney, John
- Vickers, Tom
- Wagner, Mick
- Walker-Brown, Bobby
- Walters, Kenwyn – The story of a Rat of Tubruk
- Warrington, Samuel
- Watson, Peter
- Williams, Brig Stephen
- Willans, F.A
- Williams, GTG (Toots)
- Williams, GTG (Toots) Appendices
- Williams, GTG (Toots) Additional memories from 2008
- Williams, PG Remembering Toots’ journey
- Williams, PG (son of Toots) 75th anniversary of Armistice
- Winchester, Patrick Logie
- Woods, John
- Young, Leslie
- Young, Leslie (IT)
Please note – the historical language used in the escaper stories occasionally uses terminology which was commonplace at the time, but which now is considered unacceptable and potentially offensive.
Nota bene – nel linguaggio storico utilizzato nelle storie dei fuggitivi a volte si usano termini che all’epoca erano normali ma che oggi sono considerati inaccettabili e potenzialmente offensivi.
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