Italian stories

General personal and historical accounts of life in Italy during World War Two. They are mostly written by those opposing the Fascist Regime

Ettore Damini’s story is that of an Italian anti Fascist working with the Allied forces as an interpreter (despite not speaking much English).  His account is a mixture of both recollection and referenced archive research. Read Ettore’s story

Goeto di Felice

Goeto Di Felice’s personal account is a record of events in and around the town of Vittorito from the fall of the Italian Fascist Government on 25th July 1943 until liberation by the Allies on 16th June 1944. Read Goeto Di Felice’s story

Di seguito un articolo del 2008 sulle celebrazione della “Giornata della Memoria” a Servigliano, nelle Marche. L’articolo de il Messaggero, parla della storia del campo di Servigliano come campo di prigionia e campo di smistamento, attraverso testimonianze e documenti. Read Antonio Millozzi’s story.

Written 50 years after the event this is Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone’s memoir of his life in Italy during the war and his musings on whether his efforts made any difference to the outcome of the war. Read Francesco’s story

“Guerriglia partigiana in Val di Tenna” è un opuscolo scritto da Alessandro Terribili la cui prima parte fornisce informazioni dettagliate circa le attività portate avanti dal movimento partigiano in quel territorio: le tre Bande operanti nel settore, i risultati dei loro…

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