Storie di Prigionieri di Guerra
Indice dei Prigionieri di Guerra catturati soprattutto nel Nordafrica e trasferiti in campi di prigionia in Italia. Alcuni di questi racconti sono stati scritti durante la prigionia, alcuni dopo la fuga e altri alcuni anni dopo. Sono stati donati dai loro autori e dalle loro famiglie al Monte San Martino Trust di Keith Killby.
PoW cognomi: A – K
- Allaway, Alfred
- Andrew, Raymond
- Argent, Douglas
- Armstrong, Henry Denis
- Ashford, Frank
- Bains, Lawrence
- Barshall, Peter
- Bass, Bill
- Bethell, Drew and Flowerdew, Douglas
- Blake, Bobby
- Blake, Bobby (Lingua Italiana)
- Blewitt, Bill
- Bligh, Kenneth
- Boanas, George
- Bourn, Jim
- Bourn, Jim (Lingua Italiana)
- Bowder, Bill
- Boyd, O T
- Braithwaite, George
- Brown, Lionel
- Browne, N
- Bull, Eric
- Bullard, Paul
- Burdett, Noel
- Burnett, George with Edge, Beverley
- Burnford, Alfred (John)
- Campbell, Peter
- Candy, George with Train, Landale
- Caplat, Moran – Dinghies to Divas
- Carver, Richard
- Churchill, Gerald
- Clapson, A. E. G
- Clarke, Douglas
- Clarke, W.J.F
- Cochrane, Tom O’G
- Coe, Frank
- Collier, Bernard
- Comyn, JA
- Cooper, Bill
- Coster, David
- Cowton, FWJ
- Coxell, Peter
- Craig, TS
- Darville, W. J
- Dean, Ronald
- de Burgh, Hugo
- De Cent, Douglas & Gillian
- De Luca, Maria
- de Wet, Jack
- Dickinson, Reg
- di Felice, Goeto
- Dobson, Tony
- Drew, HH
- Duke, Douglas (Wally)
- Ekbery, Brian
- Ellis, Ben and Sole, Geoff
- English, Ian – The Greatest Escape
- Evans, John
- Evans, Hilary Major
- Fairnington, Tom
- Faulkes, John (Ted)
- Flowerdew, Douglas with Bethell, Drew
- Foster, Binks
- Forster, Father George
- French, Fred
- Garton, Bill
- Gatenby, Captain Charles
- Gates, Norman
- Gilbert, Edwin Middleton
- Glaser, Frits
- Gleave, Bill
- Goddard, Maurice
- Goddard, Vilma
- Goldingham, Mike
- Hackett, Alfred
- Gregson, Anthony
- Hammond, Arthur
- Harmer, Geoff
- Harris, Fred
- Harris, George
- Harris Matthews, Thomas
- Hawkins, GWB
- Hewison, Rowland
- Hilder, Eric
- Hill, Armie
- Hill, Richard H. Rev Capt
- Hirst, Fred
- Hobbs, Daniel (Jack)
- Hodgson, Richard
- Hooper, R. S (Bob)
- Hopkins, Eric
- Hurst Brown, Alan
- Hutty, Les
- Jobson, Arthur
- Jobson, Hugh
- Jobson, Hugh Appendices
- Johnston, Roy
- Jones, A. A
- Jones, Albert Thomas
- Jones, Des
- Joel, John
- Jordan, Peter
- Kalha, Daljit Singh
- Killby, Keith
- Kingham, Norman
- Knibb, Eric
- Kyrle Pope, Michael
PoW cognomi: L – Y
- Laing, Anthony
- Langrishe, Phillip John Duppa
- Lanyon, Pat
- Lawrence, Roger
- Lax, Frederick
- Lax, Frederick (Lingua Italiana)
- Lett, Gordon
- Lewis, Peter
- Lewis, William H
- Lodge, Ernest
- Low, Richard
- Mainwaring, Hugh
- McCurdy, Ronald
- McHattie, George
- Millar, JHD
- Milner, Fred
- Muir, John
- Nathanson, Leslie – Escape To Internment Part 1
- Nathanson, Leslie – Escape To Internment Part 2
- Needle, Jack
- Newman, Dennis
- Octon, Jimmy William
- Osborne, Frank
- Paice, Alan
- Panozzo, Floriana Betello
- Panozzo, Floriana Betello (IT)
- Panozzo, Virgilio
- Parker, Bill
- Pennycook, John
- Perry, Sam
- Poole, Algie
- Prince, JH
- Pryke, William Dudley (Ted)
- Pryke, William Dudley (Ted) Appendices
- Raby, Ronald William
- Randall, Donald
- Randles, Paul
- Ranfurly, Dan
- Robillard, David
- Robinson, Donald
- Rocco, Felice alias – Vacca, Phil
- Rock, Harry
- Rogers, Bob
- Rogers, Norman
- Ross, Michael
- Ross, Michael
- Rowe, Jack
- Serrano, Sgt Manuel
- Sharpe, Keith
- Sherk, Raymond
- Simkins, Anthony
- Simkins, Anthony (IT)
- Simpson, Charles – Chapters 1-7
- Simpson, Charles – Chapters 8-21
- Simpson, Charles – 1944-1946
- Simpson, Charles – Maps
- Simpson, D.B
- Sollars, Jack
- Sole, Geoff and Ellis, Ben
- Spooner, Pat
- Stavert, Geoffrey Part 1 (chapters 1-7)
- Stavert, Geoffrey Part 2 (chapters 8-15)
- Stern, Peter
- Steven, Anthony (Tony)
- Stewart, Andrew
- Strachan, William Hunter (Bill)
- Swan, William (Bill)
- Telford, Frederick
- Terribili, Alessandro
- Thompson, Walter
- Thraves, Jack
- Thurgood, Robert
- Thursfield, P.S
- Todhunter, E.J
- Train, Landale with Candy, George
- Turner, Basil
- Turner, Humphrey
- Vacca, Phil alias – Rocco, Felice
- Vaughan, Rudolph
- Verney, John
- Vickers, Tom
- Wagner, Mick
- Walters, Kenwyn – The story of a Rat of Tubruk
- Warrington, Samuel
- Watson, Peter
- Williams, Brig Stephen
- Willans, F.A
- Williams, GTG (Toots)
- Williams, GTG (Toots) Appendices
- Williams, GTG (Toots) Additional memories from 2008
- Williams, PG Remembering Toots’ journey
- Williams, PG (son of Toots) 75th anniversary of Armistice
- Winchester, Patrick Logie
- Woods, John
- Young, Leslie
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