Search Results for: bologna

Wagner, Mick

…Emilia-Romagna to San Marino. In Campo P.G. No. 19 at Bologna, we had, as usual, been getting news through various reliable sources and we were waiting expectantly for the final…

Evans, John

…POW Camp in Italy. Life in POW Camp up to Armistice 1943 and subsequent chaos and removal by train towards Germany but ‘leaves’ train at Bologna Station. In climbing hills…

De Cent, Douglas & Gillian

Summary Douglas de Cent was among the first to support the Trust but he had not disclosed any of his story of escape from Bologna. It was Ian English’s book,…

Harris, Fred

Summary of Fred Harris Fred Harris joined the Royal Engineers as a boy apprentice at age 14. He was captured near Benghazi and eventually ended up at the Bologna PoW…

Stavert, Geoffrey Part 2 (chapters 8-15)

…at Bologna taken over, de Bergh [possibly Colonel Hugo de Burgh] orders prepare for evacuation. GS [Geoffrey Stavert] and Magee are told there are clothes to change into and two…

Gregson, Anthony

…pick up 2 Germans. At the Italian camp too many Germans around to get off. Back to PG 19 then to Bologna station then back again to PG 19 and…

Cochrane, Tom O’G

Summary Tom O’G Cochrane gives a detailed and graphic account of his escape from under the noses of the Germans’ on 8th September 1943 from his camp in Bologna with…

Stavert, Geoffrey Part 1 (chapters 1-7)

Summary Geoffrey S Stavert (RA) was captured in Sidi Nsir, Tunisia in February 1943. He was originally held in the “cage” camp at Bizerta. Then transferred to Campo 66, near…