Search Results for: colle di compito

Randles, Paul

…the Italian. The camp was located at Colle di Compito, near Lucca. It came into operation in July 1942 and was specifically for NCOs and privates (no officers). It was…

Simpson, Charles – Chapter 8-21

…in the day. There was no track, so we walked on the turf for a short distance until a collection of houses on each side of a wide, unpaved street,…

Cooper, Bill

…of weight with their fellows. To add to my difficulties I was a Londoner in a Battalion of Geordie’s. But I did my job and took part in many battles….

Cummins, Ronald Loftus (Part 3: 1944-1947)

…the Germans that for every one SS. killed ten Italians were to die and to prove this shocking statement 320 Italians were collected from Via Tasso and Regina Coeli and…

Panozzo, Floriana Betello (IT)

…boicottasse il negozio. Curiosamente, dopo la guerra, la polizia perquisì le case degli organizzatori di queste donazioni forzate e trovò molti barattoli di vetro pieni di fedi nuziali. Il 10…

Vickers, Tom

…over the camp and all things in it, they move to higher and more distant ground and then in the night dispersed. Like so many, TV finds himself around –…

Terribili, Alessandro

…due soldati tedeschi isolati nell’Albergo Vittoria di Amandola; disarmo di una pattuglia tedesca nei pressi di Grottazzolina; attacco alia caserma dei RR. CC. a Monsampietrangeli, con asporto di armi; disarmo…

PoW camps

…Cav. Angelo Stevanin) Work P.G. 120/7 DI BAGNOLO DI SOPRA (company Avas) Work PG 120/8 FOGOLANA Work P.G. 120/9 DI CORREZZOLA (company Toffano Marcello) Work P.120/10 DI CHIOGGIA SANT’ANNA (S.A….

Lett, Gordon

…worth a fortune to a book collector …. [Digital Page 129] collector. Also, wonder of wonders, I was given a pair of pyjamas to sleep in! This is the first…