Search Results for: Sulmona

Simkins, Anthony

Summary Anthony Simkins was captured near Derna, in Libya, by the Germans, then handed over to the Italians. After being taken to Sulmona, Abruzzo, he was transferred to Montalbo, south…

Willans, F.A

…at the Armistice in September 1943 and, with an unnamed bombardier and a Sgt Pearson in the Green Howards, walked south to the Sulmona area. As part of a group…

Cummins, Ronald Loftus (Part 1: July-Dec 1942)

Summary of Ronald Loftus Cummins Ronald Loftus Cummins’ story covers his entire WW2 experience from his enlistment in 1940 until his discharge in 1946. His file comprises the very personal…

Coster, David

…a Transit camp in Benevento where we stayed for some three months. From Benevento we were sent on to Sulmona where we stayed until the Italians packed in. We were…

Langrishe, Phillip John Duppa

Summary Philip John Duppa (“John”) Langrishe, 1917–2010, Lieutenant, 7th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery, at the time he was captured, 1 June 1942, North Africa. He was held at PG 41…

Osborne, Frank

…by lorry to Sulmona (losing some on the way see Simpson) Frank finds others wanting a fourth to escape. When evacuation – for Germany – begins they are, like many…

Argent, Douglas

…by using the chisel. At 0100 hrs. the train stopped, and by looking out through the ventilator we could see we were back in Sulmona Station and so we had…

Harris, Fred

…visit the English teachers at Castel di Sangro, Sulmona and L’Aquila about students for next year. Then to MSM and back to Rome. Do not think I have forgotten your…

Winchester, Patrick Logie

…Between Camp di Giove and Valico di Forchetta they are recaptured. Taken to Sulmona Camp and then by cattle truck to L’Aquila and about to board the train there it…